What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual direction, also referred to as holy listening or
spiritual companioning, is about deepening one’s relationship
with the divine. It is for those who are seeking something more, something beyond. Spiritual direction is not counseling, problem solving or advice giving. It is about telling your sacred story and being present to the inner movings of your spirit. Spiritual direction is about growing one’s intimacy with God.
"Spiritual direction is, in reality, nothing more than a way of leading us to see and obey the real Director — the Holy Spirit hidden in the
depths of our soul"
-Thomas Merton
I meet with directees in State College, Pennsylvania. Spiritual direction sessions last approximately one hour, and meetings occur on average once a month. Some directees prefer to meet twice a month, and the frequency of meetings is entirely up to the one seeking direction.
A spiritual direction session consists of prayerfulness, attentiveness and attention to inner stirrings, and may include contemplative silence, music, creativity, lectio divina, or other various prayer experiences. The hope is to form and develop a prayerfulness that is right for the directee, a prayerfulness that cultivates wholeness and begins to reveal the grace, love, and direction of God.
Zack is a seeker of presence, essence, a lover of God.
He is a musician, a photographer, spiritual director, and grief work facilitator.
Zack has a B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies,
and he is a case manager for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program
Zack completed his spiritual direction certification in 2015 through Oasis Ministries, located in Camp Hill, Harrisburg, PA.
With a life shaped by profound loss, Zack has been deeply invited into the grace and peace of God’s presence, and he believes there is a divine gratitude
to be discovered in the experience of grief and loss.
His personal studies include the enneagram, shadow work, grief and loss, and men’s spirituality. As a self-taught musician and photographer, Zack has recognized and developed his gifts as spiritual tools that accompany he and others on the journey. As a grief work facilitator, Zack companions teens and adults through various small group gatherings, retreats, and one-on-one encounters.
"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet"
-Frederick Buechner